Sunday, November 27, 2022

A Busy November

About 200 scarecrows, pumpkins, sunflowers and leaves kept me busy at the beginning of the month in preparation for the return of the CCW Bake Sale.  The scarecrow design has always been one of my favorites so I am always happy when I have an opportunity to use it.

A few days later, I started on some simple designs for the welcome bags for the hotel guests at great-niece Kaley's wedding.  The icing wasn't the shiny silver that I had envisioned, but there is a bit of sparkle that didn't show up well in the photo.

Shortly after completing the cookies, I broke my wrist but I managed to package them using one hand the day after surgery.

There will be no cookies for Thanksgiving or Christmas this year, hopefully, I will be back to baking by Easter!

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Traveling From Miss to Mrs.

It's a travel themed wedding shower for great-niece, Kaley and her fiancé, Tyler.

Love, hugs and cookies for the special couple and their guests.


Friday, June 24, 2022

Leann's Graduation


It's time to celebrate, great-niece Leann's eighth grade graduation!

From study dates at the library in the early days at Thorp Scholastic Academy to reviews sessions for the U. S. and IL Constitution tests, I've enjoyed watching her learn and grow.  

Since Bill from "School House Rock" was part of our Constitution reviews, I thought he should make an appearance at Leann's  celebration.

Leann participated in a variety of programs throughout elementary school.  She gave a "thumbs down" to some of the activities, but I am so proud of her enthusiasm and  willingness to try new things .

Nothing slowed her down, not even the changes that were forced on her due to the Corona virus.

Leann has always enjoyed sports and even participated in shot put this year when the coached asked her to give it a try.  Several track meets later she emerged as the Chicago City Champion!

Why a soccer ball with a graduation cap?  Because in 2019 when big sister Mary Grace graduated, Leann said, "when I graduate I want a soccer ball with a graduation cap on it." 

Of course, her collection included a few traditional caps and gowns and the traditional "Look out __________ High School" cookie.

Since Leann has always loved puzzles and frequently asked for puzzle cookies when she was younger, her collection had to include at least one puzzle cookie!  I opted to use the school mascot for this one and I am sure that she will be able to piece it together much faster than I could after I baked it!

 Finally, some Harry Styles themed cookies were added to her collection .  .  .

.  .  . because right now she is just wild about Harry!

Leann is venturing far beyond the neighborhood schools next year and I can't wait to see what is in store for her in the future.  

 Whatever path she chooses, I hope she always remembers:

You are BRAVER than you believe
STRONGER than you seem
SMARTER than you think
and LOVED more than you know.


























Sunday, April 17, 2022

Happy Easter, Happy Spring!

The wind is brisk, snowflakes keep appearing in April, but flowers are beginning to appear and eventually spring will arrive! 

After a long cold winter, I opted for bright colors and floral designs for Easter cookies.

Despite the chill in the air in mid-April, I'm grateful to be able to attend a large, family gathering after so many cancellations during the pandemic.

             Happy Easter!  Happy Spring!

Sunday, April 3, 2022

Avery is Three!


Special treats for a special girl!  Avery love, love, loves Doc McStuffins and Peppa Pig, so they both had to make an appearance for her party.

What a fun year it has been watching Avery grow!  She is so much fun and has developed so many new interests.  Every time I visit her, I can't wait to see what the day will bring.  Will it be a Doc or Peppa day?  Playing in her kitchen or with her doll house?  Coloring books or reading books?  It warms my heart that her Little Feminist book collection is one that she often selects from the many books that line her shelves.  After reading these books one day, she told her Daddy,  "Girls can do ANYTHING!" and he had a look of great pride on his face.  Of course he knows that because she helps him with projects around the house and can name about every tool in the toolbox.


She continues to enjoy cooking and baking with Mom.  This year, they even got Dad to help prepare some Christmas treats.
Avery has become a bit of a "fashionista" and has developed her own unique style.  She looks quite beautiful in the clothes Grandma Rita sews for her, but she also enjoys mismatched clothing that she picks out all by herself. She also brought a tear to our eyes when she wore Great-Grandma O's clip on earrings and didn't want to take them off!
Thanks to Peppa Pig, Avery is teaching us "British" English.  No vacations for this girl, she goes on "holiday."

Avery also showed us what a great hostess she can be and loved all the guests that came to visit her this year, including Aunt Cathy's cat, Porter.

Every day is an adventure for this girl!

Love, hugs and cookies for Great-niece, Avery!

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

God Bless Leann


Great niece, Leann, will celebrate her Confirmation today and special events in our family mean cookies to honor the occasion.

Leann Rose will receive roses, the edible kind.  .  .

 . . .and quotations attributed to her chosen patron, St. Joan of Arc.

Love, hugs and prayers for a special girl on her very important day! 

Leann with Mom & Dad, Godparents Aunt Heather & Great-uncle Matt, and Confirmation Sponsor, Aunt Linda