Sunday, June 21, 2020

Carrying On Family Traditions

 Great-niece, Mary Grace, is carrying on the family tradition of baking.  This year when we  were unable to have an Easter celebration due to the Covid-19 virus, she baked a "vintage" Easter cake for the first time.

Next on her "to do" list was decorating sugar cookies.

Someone very special was recently diagnosed with a serious illness and Mary Grace thought cookies might cheer her up.  She opted for "Cookies and Love" as the theme, pink because it's the recipient's  favorite color and purple for Hodgkin's disease  We also created a prescription label for the package.

I thought Mary Grace should have some cookies of her own to enjoy, so I baked a few other designs for her to create.  It was fun to share my hobby with this special girl.  "Patience and Practice," is what I tell everyone when they ask about decorating cookies, and I think MG's ready for it.

    Love, hugs and family traditions, thanks to Mary Grace!