Tuesday, June 4, 2013

There's a Mouse in the House

As the school year draws to a close, the Preschool classroom pets need a new home.  Leann and Christopher were the only children who had parental permission to enter the drawing to take one of the mice home.  

 Leann lost, but Christopher gave the mouse to her and said, "I know how much you want it and I already have lots of pets at home."  Such a generous gesture from a 5 year old, I'm sure that Leann will always remember this special boy.

 Leann is thrilled to have Whiskers as a member of the family.

Leann invited me to join her at Preschool on a day when "special treats" were allowed, so we celebrated the day with some mice cookies for her classmates.

Leann with Grandma Rita, Mary Grace and Whiskers  

1 comment:

  1. Such a cute cookie to welcome Whiskers to his new home! Love the adorable face and pretty pink pearl for a nose!
