Wednesday, April 3, 2024

It's Fun to BEE five!


Great-niece, Avery is five!

In 2019 when Avery was celebrating all of her "firsts" she was not happy with everyone who wanted to have a photo op with her.  Fortunately, she now LOVES parties and time spent with her large extended family.

Her many adventures this year included her annual trip to Mexico and a much anticipated trip to Disney where she met her favorite doctor.

A curious girl who loves learning, Avery showed an avid interest in larvae this year, so I hope she likes her bee cookies as much as she liked observing the creepy critters.

 Avery loves spending time with the cousins .  .  .

but Mom, Dad and Lincoln, continue to be her best pals.



Avery has so many interests, but she still manages to spend plenty of time in the kitchen.  Perhaps one day she will inherit my large cookie cutter collection.  

From rock climbing to hanging with a rock star and all the activities in between, Avery is a busy bee!

Love, hugs, cookies and happy birthday wishes!