Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Kendall's 16th Birthday

 Congratulations!  Today is your day. . . 

Oh, the places you'll go! There is fun to be done!*

Kendall is a"glamathlete."  A girl who loves to compete, has broken so many bones I've lost count, plays hard, isn't afraid to sweat, then puts the uniforms aside, dresses up and WOW!  
Even at a young age, Kendall loved her bling!


Do the boots look like Britney's?
At the age of two, Kendall stood on my coffee table in her cowboy boots and performed her version of "Oops, I Did It Again." I suspect that she will roll her eyes as she reads this reminder of her performance.

She loves her shoes!

You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes
You can steer yourself
any direction you choose.
You're on your own.  
And you know what you know.  
And YOU are the gal who'll decide where to go.

One of the places Kendall decided to go was to the neighbors' houses to borrow their dogs.  She walked them, bathed them, and played with them, until she convinced her Dad that they should have a dog of their own.
You'll look up and down streets.  
Look 'em over with care.
About some you will say, 

"I don't choose to go there."  
With your head full of brains 
and your shoes full of feet, 
you're too smart to go down 
any not-so-good street.

There is fun to be done!
There are points to be scored.  
There are games to be won.
And the magical things 
you can do with that ball. . .


So many fond memories of a very special great-niece! In addition to cookies to remind her of events in the past, I included 16 candles on her cake and snowmen cupcakes in honor of the  record-breaking snowfall, cold temperatures and school closings that have been part of her birthday month.

Oh, the places you'll go!

Just remember that no matter where the road may go, it always leads back to a loving family!

Distance and conflicting schedules sometimes requires meeting "on the road" for cookie deliveries, but it's just another place to go. . .
Love, hugs, and cookies for your special day! 
*Excerpts from, "Oh, The Places You'll Go," by Dr. Seuss.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Leann is Six

Thanks, as always, to my wonderful friend, Donna, for the creative writing

 It's always interesting to see what cookie designs the little ones will request for their birthdays.  This year, Leann (LeLe), asked if I would make mice cookies.  We had a special day together last spring when I was a guest in her preschool class and we brought mice cookies for all of her friends.

LeLe has been a HUGE fan of puzzles ever since she was a toddler, so she requested mouse puzzle cookies for her party.  Since I made snowman puzzle cookies for her birthday last year, I detect a birthday "tradition" might be developing.

Sure hope this cute little cat is
happy with her birthday treats.

Love, hugs 
and cookies
for your 
special day!

Puzzle Cookies Past and Present

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Oooh, Baby!

Baby cookies from cutters that I have never used before.  The one on the right was intended to be a snowman cutter until a friend suggested that it would make a cute baby face!