Sunday, February 1, 2015

Every Vote Counts

Three weeks until election day in Chicago and my niece, Heather, is on the campaign trail day and night.   Yesterday, we hosted an open house to meet the candidate and she spent the rest of the day visiting the neighborhood.

In a field of seven candidates, Heather's educational and work experience make her the best person for the job.  Okay, I am a little biased, but one person told her yesterday, "You are over qualified, I wish you were running for mayor."  Look out, Rahm!

I am so proud of this  amazing woman.

Love, hugs, cookies and TWO votes from this household on February 24th!

1 comment:

  1. I wish I lived in your ward to cast my vote as well. All I can do is wish Heather well and applaud her outstanding effort in this campaign as well as the qualifications she would bring to this position.


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